New Year, New Stories.

I have realized that I have issues finishing stories. I have no problem starting them, but life seems to stop me from continuing and finishing them. I currently have 8 unfinished stories. Three are from creative writing classes I did in 2013/2014. They were short stories so they are technically finished, but I want to continue them into full-length novels. I love all of my stories. My first novel is my baby and it is the one I’ve spent the most time on and the one I’ve wanted to publish for the last 8 years. But I started something the other day and it’s nothing like anything I’ve written before. This would be much easier if I had some time to myself. These stories are in my head and I know where I want them to go, but school and being a wife and mother seem to keep me from being able to go any further. All I can do is try to balance it all I guess. Can’t live the dream if I don’t try.